Add your Business
So you’re convinced on why it’s important to set up your business page on Google My Business, but you’re not really sure where to begin. We can help!! First, search your business on Google to see if your page already exists. If you are just starting out, you can skip this step. When you see your business listed, scroll to where you see “claim this business.” Here’s a guide from Google on how to do this.
If your business is not listed or you are starting from scratch, go to to get started. Click “Manage Now,” then type in your business name.

When you finish typing your company name, click “Create a business with this name” when it pops up, then click “next.”
Now you’ll select whether your company only has an online presence or a physical location that customers can visit.
Add Location(s)
For those with a physical location, Google will prompt you for the address. Follow the additional prompts until you have set up your business. Feel free to e-mail Andrea with questions!
Confirm Listing
Once your business is set up, you will need to prove it is your business by having Google mail you a post card, so it will take a few days. Your info won’t be published until you confirm it, but you’ll be able to edit the business info in the mean time so it’s ready to go once you confirm.

Customize Your Page
On your main page, you will see lots of options to edit on the left hand side. While they’re all important, I’d start with editing your info – business address, phone number, website, hours, etc. Then go to the photos tab and add some eye-grabbing photos or graphics which demonstrate what you offer.
If you sell physical products, you can add them to the products tab . However this is still in beta mode, so there may be kinks.
Google My Business also has its own version of a website – this is great if you don’t have a website, but also still useful if you do. The more places your business shows up on the web, the better! Make sure to visit this tab and add as much information as possible.
This can all get a bit redundant, but redudancy = keywords, and the more keywords you have, the more relevant you will appear to search engines.
Get help if needed!
Good luck! We are happy to help you with this set up. Just reach out via email or call/text (863) 838-6459. Need help coming up with content? We will create eye-catching photos and graphics for your Google My Business page, as well as your Instagram and Facebook accounts at no extra charge! Contact us for more info.